Baguette with Spelt and Sourdough

This way of making baguettes is inspired by (again) Weekend Bakery's recipe of their 80% hydration baguettes, but I use sourdough and some spelt and less water (70% hydration).
I am very satisfied with the result: the crust is great and the baguettes taste wonderful!


- 100 g spelt flour
- 200 g wheat flour
- 300 g water
- 15 g sourdough culture

Start the evening before baking the baguettes by making the poolish: mix the ingredients in a bowl and cover it by using a plastic pedal bin liner. Keep the poolish for an hour at room temperature and then put it in the fridge during the night. The next morning you can let your poolish develop at room temperature again and leave it until you start making your baguettes (let's say at noon, so you will have fresh bread at 4.00 PM).


- the poolish
- 300 g wheat flour
- 120 g water
- 10 g salt
- 3 g dry yeast

Mix the poolish with the flour and the water and let this 'not-yet-dough' rest for half an hour at room temperature. This process is called autolyse. After this autolyse add the salt and the dry yeast and knead the dough for about 8 to 10 minutes. Check my previous post about making Sourdough Bread with Spelt for the kneading technique I learned from Richard Bertinet.
Put the dough in a bowl, cover it with plastic and let it rest for 3 quarters of an hour on a rack on the warming plate of the Aga.
Take out the dough and do 2 complete stretch and folds (see my post about Sourdough Bread again for this technique) and put the dough back in the bowl. Cover it and let it rest for 45 minutes on the warming plate. Repeat this procedure 2 times, but one complete stretch and fold will do. So all together 3 stretch and folds and 2 and a half hours rest.
Now take out the dough, put it on a slightly floured working surface and divide it in 3 portions. Preshape the portions by flattening them and fold them 3 times so they look like miniature baguettes. Let them rest on the working surface for 10 minutes, covered with plastic, before you roll them out to shape them. Check this YouTube instruction video by Jeff Hamelman how to preshape and shape baguettes.
Now it is time for proofing: I use a well floured thick cotton tea towel for this, the way Hamelman shows in his instruction video. Let you your baguettes proof for about half an hour.
Score them 5 times (instruction video) and bake them in a very humid roasting oven for about 35 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rob,
    That crumb looks seriously creamy and delicious.

    Happy Baking!
